Two Simulation Exercises: Pull Planning and
Two Simulation Exercises:
Be the First to Experience A Simple Simulation to Introduce Pull Planning (David and Summer Umstot)
Take this opportunity to be the first to experience this newly developed simulation to introduce pull planning developed specifically for use at the upcoming 2024 LCI Congress in San Diego. One element of the Last Planner System® is Pull Planning - a fundamental planning method to identify the critical work that releases work through engaging project team members. Essential ingredients are COLLABORATION and HAND-OFFS. A good, simple pull plan simulation gives participants the experience of COLLABORATION so that they are inspired to try it on their next project with more confidence or bring the tool back to share it with others. Creating familiarity with Last Planner System® concepts and seeing how they can benefit the user and the desired outcome (on-time completion) can help overcome resistance to trying something different. This simulation helps participants realize the importance of taking the time to plan and how that improves production flow. In small groups using Duplo® (colored blocks), this simulation illustrates the Milestone aspects, collaboration, sequence, handoffs and visual management integral to successful use of the Last Planner System®.
The Silo Game: A Simulation on Interdisciplinary Collaboration (Thais Alves)
The Silo Game is a simulation developed to mimic the trade-offs made during the design process to meet client's requirements while also meeting project goals. This simulation mimics the development of an environmentally conscious building. The facilitator assumes the role of an owner and participants are assigned one of the four roles defined for the game: architect, civil engineer, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer to meet the project's conditions of satisfaction defined early in the game. The lessons learned can be directly translated to construction settings, sparking discussions about various Lean tenets and systems including integrated project delivery contracts, target value design, collaboration, and conditions of satisfaction.
David Umstot, PE, DBIA is an internationally recognized authority in Lean project delivery. He has seen the industry from 360 degrees as a designer, builder, design-builder, facilities manager, executive, owner and coach and brings a unique perspective on how Lean can transform projects and organizations. He is a principal of Umstot Project and Facilities Solutions and an associate faculty member at San Diego State University. He is the lead author of Lean Project Delivery | Building Championship Project Teams. David has worked with more than 100 organizations worldwide coaching owners, builders, designers, and specialty trade contractors in Lean thinking, culture change, and continuous improvement as part of the company’s core offerings. David has been involved in projects totaling more than $12B in construction value delivered using Lean since 2013.
Summer Umstot, FMP, CSM is Co-Founder and a Principal of Umstot Project and Facilities Solutions, LLC with more than 30 years of experience. She has worked as a Lean coach and partnering facilitator with more than 50 teams in a wide range of industries including healthcare, pharmaceutical, higher education, biotechnology, research laboratories, refineries, data centers, highways, civic buildings, aviation and commercial construction. These projects total billions of dollars in constructed value. Her training and coaching experience includes the Last Planner® System, Big Room, Values Alignment, 5S, Target Value Design, Value Stream Mapping, Process Mapping, A3 Problem Solving, Root Cause Analysis and Scrum.
Thais Alves, PhD, specializes in construction management and project-based systems, including the use of lean production to improve the performance of delivery systems, and how people organize and collaborate. She is engaged in improving Engineering education through the use of serious games and initiatives to broaden access and diversity in Engineering. She is currently the AGC - Paul S. Roel Chair in Construction Engineering and Management at San Diego State University. For over 15 years, she has been teaching, advising students, researching and collaborating with construction companies towards the dissemination and implementation of lean especially in the field of production planning and control at construction sites.

- Parking is available onsite
- Continental breakfast will be served