LCI COVID-19 Consultant Partner Survey Results
LCI asked our Consultant Partners to share how COVID-19 has impacted their consulting business. A survey was conducted with the intention of gathering insights into what project teams are doing to shift given the current situation. There was a good amount of commonality between responses.
More than 90% of project teams have shifted to virtual Big Rooms and meetings. Most reported that their team is maintaining focus on overcoming obstacles and challenges that come along with going virtual. There was total agreement when asked about meeting frequency, it was reported that teams are holding the same number of meetings as before with most meetings being 1 hour or less. Lean approaches that were considered valuable in virtual meetings include collaboration, Kanban and plus/delta. Naturally there were some challenges teams faced to include virtual etiquette, accountability and refusal to participate if other parties are not getting paid. Advice for other teams who are going virtual are to shorten meetings, create small focus groups and if you are unable to be on site, take a step back and improve your phase planning.
LCI appreciates these responses from our consultant partners! We recognize that many folks in the design and construction community are facing difficult times amid the growing COVID-19 pandemic. We are here to support our community and members in every way that we are able to. It is encouraging to see that some project teams are able to work virtually and remain productive. It is our sincere hope that we will get back to business as usual very soon.