What you can expect from the virtual Lean in Design Forum
Adjusting to our new normal, no matter how temporary, means reimagining how we connect and learn. This year’s Lean in Design Forum is a prime example. The now virtual event may look and feel different, but the cutting-edge content, expert presentations, and compelling discussions planned will maintain the same caliber as years past. Maybe even better — this year, we have the unique opportunity to experience a new form of collaboration and inclusivity. While everyone may be joining from the safety of their own space, we’re all coming together as one to discuss these timely and essential topics that impact teams and work in the design community.
Here are just a few things you can expect this year:
Virtual attendee technology checks
First, we will begin both days by ensuring all technology is functioning properly for attendees. We encourage attendees to log on between 10:30-11 a.m. EST to make time to confirm you are set up to get the full virtual experience.
Expert insights on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Hear from the below panelists as they share guidance from their research and experience in adopting EDI principles to build successful teams and foster effective solutions.
Lean and Evidence-Based Design: Where to Begin
A partnership between Lean and Evidence-Based Design can transform your project outcomes. This integrated approach ensures you’re beginning with research and data collection to uncover the true why for the project, the root cause of issues in the current design and/or process and generating informed solutions to evaluate. Join this session led by Donna Deckard, Director of Strategic Projects, Center for Health Design, Andrea Sponsel, Director of Lean Strategy and Change Management, BSA LifeStructures, and Terri Zborowsky, Research Specialist, HGA Architects & Engineers and leave with tools and resources that can be applied on your next project.
Building High Performing Teams
High performing teams are those that learn and grow together, maximizing the unique skills each member possesses. Hear from HKS, Inc. experts Bernita Beikmann, Chief Process Officer, Health Group, and Stevi McKoy, director of organizational development as they lead an interactive session on strengthening teams and their performances with trust and respect.
Explore these areas and so much more when you join the first ever virtual Lean in Design Forum. View the full agenda here and make your plans now to join us May 27–28.