April 11, 2024

April 11, 2024

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Discover Unmined Opportunities at this year’s Design Forum

This year’s Lean in Design Forum, May 1-2, Chicago is fast approaching. Read an exclusive interview with forum keynote speaker, Michael Chapman, a trailblazer in design research with over two decades of experience. As the keynote speaker at the Lean in Design Forum, Michael will address how Design Thinking unlocks untapped opportunities. Gain invaluable takeaways on laying the foundation of design research and unleashing creativity to address complex challenges.

Learn how Lean and Design Thinking intertwine to create value-driven solutions, as Michael explores their complementary nature and shares real-world examples from his work, including a groundbreaking project at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Join us for Michael Chapman’s captivating presentation, Design Thinking: Discovering Unmined Opportunities, on Thursday, May 2, at 8:45 am. Register now for the Lean in Design Forum!

We’re Celebrating

Chris Vine, LCI-CPC, DBIA, CM-Lean, LEED AP, project superintendent at HENSEL PHELPS and Brian Belvin, LCI-CPC, PE, PMP, project leader, HIPP Design + Consulting are the latest professionals to earn the Lean Construction Institute-Certified Practitioner-Construction (LCI-CPC).

LCI’s Lean Design and Construction certifications are changing the face of the industry and highlighting those that have verified their Lean experience and knowledge. Owners are taking note and leading practitioners are getting certified.

Will you be next to join Chris and Brian?

Start your certification today!

Upcoming Webinars

April 12, 2024
11:00 am – 12:30 pm ET
Performance-Driven Construction Management for Lean Projects

April 18, 2024
11:00 am – 12:30 pm ET
Shift The Safety Paradigm Using Injury & Fatality Research

May 7, 2024
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm ET
Last Planner System® in Design

May 30, 2024
11:00 am – 12:30 pm ET
Principles of Target Value Delivery (TVD)

Explore the LCI Online Membership Directory

Discover the hidden powerhouse of our website – the LCI online Membership Directory. It’s not just another page; it’s where companies show they are committed to Lean. Every month, it steals the spotlight as the second most visited page, capturing the attention of visitors who linger longer here than anywhere else on the site. And guess what? Your corporate membership entitles you to a complimentary listing in this digital hotspot.

When was the last time you gave your listing a thorough check-up? Don’t let your presence fade into the background. Now’s the perfect moment to make sure this space reflects your company’s capabilities. Send over any updates to membership@leanconstruction.org and we’ll take it from there.

Pro tip: Want LCI to include your company’s press releases in the LCI Weekly? Send those to membership@leanconstruction.org and be featured in the soon to be debuted Member News section! To be included in the current week’s publication, copy must be received on Monday, by 5 p.m. Eastern.

Learn how design managers integrate Lean processes and culture into projects, driving efficiency, and fostering collaboration across teams. Read this blog post for a sneak peek of what the panel will discuss and don’t miss this enlightening panel live and in person on Thursday, May 2, at 11:30 am.

Register now for the Lean in Design Forum and join us in Chicago on May 1-2 for an enriching experience!

Introduction to PDCA

A mindset of continuous improvement is a key component to Lean thinking in design and construction. In the world of Lean, we are always aiming to improve the processes we operate by in order to improve the outcome by increasing value and decreasing waste.

Standardization of processes is key to an environment where continuous improvement can occur; without standardized processes, the improvement cycle cannot have as big of an impact since the changes would only be applicable to the processes that abide by that standard.

To improve, teams must be willing to innovate and try new methods, breaking down traditional methods that have existed just because they’re the ways things have always been done. That’s where the PDCA cycle comes in.

Phase 1: Plan
Phase 2: Do
Phase 3: Check
Phase 4: Adjust

Take a deeper dive into PDCA by clicking on the Curated Content Banner above!

Using Virtual Reality to Train Team Members

In Lean design and construction, our goal is to continue pushing the boundaries of what we can accomplish. Innovation is a key piece of the puzzle, and figuring out how we can utilize new technology to our advantage is always top-of-mind.

Check out how Rosendin Electric uses Virtual Reality (VR) to train and onboard new team members.

Do you have a Lean innovation you’d like to share? Is there a problem or pain point your team is struggling with that you’d like to start a conversation on? Submit your video to our Field Crew Huddle team and you might just be featured on our YouTube channel!

Submit Your Video!

Lean Assessments

How strong is your Lean knowledge? Take a Lean assessment to determine your current state so you have a baseline for improvement. Lean assessments are available for individuals, teams, and organizations alike. Whether you’re new to Lean or are an experienced Lean practitioner, Lean assessments are a great way to get started at LCI!


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