Implementing Integrated Project Delivery on Department of the Navy Construction Projects

Implementing Integrated Project Delivery on Department of the Navy Construction Projects


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Authors: Michael S. Singleton, Farook R. Hamzeh


Singleton, M. S., and Farook R Hamzeh (2011).   Implementing Integrated Project Delivery on Department of the Navy Construction Projects.   Lean Construction Journal, 2011, pp. 17-31.‌.




Research Questions: 1) Which IPD techniques can be integrated into the Navy’s project delivery method, and how would Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) benefit from them?  2) How can NAVFAC determine which projects are potential candidates for using IPD techniques?

Purpose: To determine which techniques contained within IPD and their associated efficiency improvements and waste reductions may directly benefit NAVFAC projects and public sector construction projects in general.

Research Design/Method: This research employs case study analysis to asses IPD techniques that can be implemented on Navy projects. It reports research results from three construction projects employing various levels of IPD implementation.

Findings: This research has identified numerous IPD techniques that could be successfully implemented on NAVFAC projects with no changes to contract laws.  The research also resulted in a tool which can be helpful in identifying which projects are preferred for implementing the IPD techniques identified.

Limitations: This research did not examine changing the Federal Acquisition Regulations.  It focused strictly on identifying techniques that could be integrated into the current project delivery system.

Implications: This research will allow for a greater understanding of IPD within NAVFAC and could accelerate efforts to bring IPD to Navy and other public sector construction projects.

Value for practitioners: This paper provides an easy-to-understand list of IPD techniques that could be implemented on Navy projects as well as an easy-to-use IPD project selection tool.  Both findings will allow those that have little experience with IPD to understand how IPD works, the implications of IPD, and how to identify projects that will benefit the most from IPD techniques.

Keywords:  US Navy, Public Sector, Integrated Project Delivery, Lean Construction

Paper type: Full paper