Optimizing Construction Design Process Using The Lean Based Approach

Optimizing Construction Design Process Using The Lean Based Approach


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.60164/39c9i3c3i

Authors: Mughees Aslam, Zhili Gao, Gary Smith


Aslam, M., Gao, Z., & Smith, G. (2020). Optimizing Construction Design Process Using The Lean Based Approach. In Lean Construction Journal pp. 176–204.


Question: How lean construction can optimize the design phase to reduce the number of design changes during the construction phase? What are the prevalent causes of design changes that negatively affect the construction and how these changes can be mitigated using lean construction tools and techniques? Purpose: Design changes are considered to be one of the main causes of delay and cost overrun in the construction industry. Many design improvement methodologies have been developed with varying degrees of successes but still, the problem persists in the industry. To address the issue, this study explores the interpretation and application of lean design practices inherited from the principles of lean construction.

Research Methodology: A systematic literature review is carried out in two phases: (1) to identify the causes of design changes, (2) to identify lean tools that can mitigate the detrimental effect of the design changes. Lean design practices are identified and further classified into four improvement zones as a flow of information, customer value, collaboration, integration of design with construction, and continuous improvement. The efficacy of identified lean design practices is judged by mapping them against prevalent causes of design changes in the construction. Resultantly, each lean design practice can be assessed based on its capabilities to reduce the design changes that emerged from the actions of owners, consultants, and contractor

Findings: This study identified twenty-three (23) lean design practices which can be used as an effective tool to mitigate 38 actions leading to the design changes. It exposes the strengths of each identified tool in effectively managing the design phase.

Limitation: This literature review study only includes peer-reviewed papers published by the IGLC, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and Science Direct and excludes the wider construction literature.

Implications: The practical implication of this study is that it provides a useful body of knowledge for project teams to manage changes proactively and efficiently by using lean design practices. Moreover, theoretically, it explains the lean design practices and causes of design changes and provides a way forward to the researchers in exploring the efficacy of lean tools in optimizing the design phase.

Keywords: Lean Design, Flow of information, Customer’s Value, Causes of Design Changes

Paper type: Full Paper